Standard eBooks builds upon Project Gutenberg to offer a better reading experience
Project Gutenberg has always been a commendable literary initiative that ensured the classic titles of yore lived
on in the digital age. While that is great, the eBooks lack consistent typography. Cover art leaves something to be
disired, in addiiton to many typos, that can mar the reading experience considerably.
It is here that the Standard eBooks come into the picture. As the name suggests, the Standard eBook refers to
a set of guidelines that each of their eBooks is required to comply with. What that means is each of the books
taken from Project Gutenberg re subjected to a laid-down procedure for publishing.
That includes formatting and typesetting with the help of a ‘professional-grade style manual.’ Also, each book is
proofread with corrections made wherever necessary. It is only after this that a new digital edition of the book is
created using the latest e-reader and browser technologies. This ensures each of the Standard ebooks thus
created is compatible with almost all known e-reader devices currently in vogue.
The new format ensures all of the eBooks thus published have consistent typography, besides having a nice looking
cover as well. Also, of course, all of the eBook that Standard eBooks offer comes free with no DRM obligations.
Such eBooks also allow for hyphenation and popup footnotes. The eBooks will also support high-resolution
graphics that are scalable. The eBooks support tables of contents too.
Also, if all of the above sounds interesting, one can also be part of the Standard eBooks project and chip
in whatever help you can. That includes making donations too as they need money to procure relevant equipment
as well as running the servers.
May 11, 2021 By Sovan Mandal